Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gimme a break, gimme a break: Vacation Planning (or the kit kat song)

B and I want to take a much needed vacation in February.  We haven't been on a vacation together in about a year (not counting trips to see family or overnight camping trips of course), which is really odd for us.  We're the type of couple that generally goes on at least two, possibly three vacations every year.  Unfortunately, my hearing loss and 5 weeks off from work on disability made me reluctant to request any vacation.  Then B started his new job in July didn't feel like he could request a real vacation for a little while.  Now it's December, and I'm just ITCHING to get myself out of the area. 

The Options:
  • adventure vacation vs. warm & relaxing vacation (I am leaning towards an all inclusive with some adventure options)
  • local destion (driving) vs. getting away (flying)
  • Forida vs. Mexico vs. Jamaica vs. New Mexico (I don't know where I got that from, I just felt compelled to write it).
What to do... what to do?  Anyone have any fabulous but reasonably priced ideas for us?

To Relax?

or Adventure?

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